Complete Family Healthcare
Ted Treats the Following Conditions:
Back Pain
Sports Medicine
Allergies / Asthma
Digestive Problems
Insomnia / Sleep Issues
High Blood Pressure
Stress / Anxiety
Depression / Mental Health
Addiction / Detox
Joint Pain / Fibromyalgia
MS / Autoimmune Conditions
Cancer Care
Menstrual Pain
Women's Health
Infertility -- female & male
Pre- and Post-Natal Care
Fatigue / Chronic Fatigue
Post-stroke Recovery
Traumatic Brain Injury
Surgical Preparation & Recovery
Dermatological Conditions
Prostate Conditions
Urinary Problems
Thyroid Conditions
pretty much anything else

Why Choose Kototama Acupuncture with Ted?
​30 Years of Clinical Experience / 20 Years Teaching Experience – work on your health goals with complete confidence.
Full Service Acupuncture – gentle Japanese needling & moxa, Chinese herbs, Japanese bodywork (Teate + Sakai Hon Li)​
Complete Healthcare – holistic medicine treating your highest capacity for health – body, mind, and spirit.
Self Care – gain valuable tools to manage your own heath,develop understanding of your own capacities for success.
Personal Attention – one-on-one consultations & treatments offering customized health solutions for your needs.​​
Self Care = Self Love
Self Care is the Key to Lasting Health
Health in Your Own Hands – In our busy world we often look for solutions to our problems from outside sources, and yet we have so much control over our own health. How we feel is closely tied to how we take care of ourselves.
Dietary Guidance & Inspiration – Food is perhaps the single most influential component of health – use it as medicine and enjoy its many delicious wonders at the same time.
Meditation – Spending a little regular time finding our quiet within is one of the most important tools we have for managing stress and learning about our own strengths.

I Ching Consultations
The Book of Changes, or I Ching, is an ancient book of wisdom from China that ultimately forms the foundation of Acupuncture & Oriental medicine, and serves an an excellent guide for navigating life's many challenges.
Let Ted help you interpret the I Ching with a personal reading so you can gain clarity & insight into your life path and embrace your own learning process & self development. .
Ted's experience can help you relate to the circumstances in your life with peace & confidence, allowing your challenges to become productive opportunities for growth.